
Caution Ahead – Your New Mother-in-Law may be one these Four Types of MILs (Mother In Laws)

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You have found love and are so excited to start planning your wedding.  This is the man you love and you would do anything for him – but this is also the beginning of a relationship with his mother!   In law problems are the basis for many, many movies and in the movies it can be funny, but in real life it’s a total different story.   This marriage might require a major adjustment for both you and your future husband and may be one of the toughest issues you may face.  The “other woman” in your man’s life is his mother, and it’s important to create good working relationships and set boundary right from the start.  Let’s discuss these four problem types.

First, there is the mother that believes your future husband will always be HER “baby”.   She always worries that he is working too much or that he is spending too much, or whatever!  She will call to tell him that the weather is bad and to be sure to take along a heavy coat or leave earlier to allow for bad weather.  When he gets sick she will be there checking on him every few hours.

Second – there is the “I Do It Better” MIL.   She is always critical of your cooking, or your taste in decorating.  Her intentions might be good, but her ideas are always better than yours!

The Third MIL is probably one of the worst – “The Involver”.   She goes beyond the “I Do it Better” to actually take over.  She might steamroll ahead with the wedding planning, pulling out her old “wedding gloves” (Yes, they use to wear gloves way back when!) that you just must wear, she will decide which linens for the banquet tables and on and on.  She will take charge and do things without your approval.

And finally, there is the “Not Interested” MIL.   She wishes to be no part of your life and wants nothing to do with you or your wedding.  No shared interest, no bonding time together.

What’s a woman to do!  Check back on our blog posts as we will discuss some tips and suggestions on dealing with these issues.


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