
Be the Best You!


Brides – Stop fretting over trying to become the “perfect” you and just be you on your wedding day.

Are you feeling a lot of pressure to perhaps lose weight for your wedding?   Are you concerned about what you perceive as imperfections in your appearance such as a chipped tooth?   Is this self-examination and self-criticism leading to low self-esteem as your days lead up to your walk down the aisle?

Don’t get into the mindset about what others think brides need or the latest trends – fake nails, hair extensions or fancy updos, new cut/color, etc.   The only thing you should do is what makes the real you feel like yourself and feel beautiful.   If it’s something that you will notice and feel better about doing, and if it’s in the budget, go for it.

Spending hours every day at the gym and then adding the extra demands of time planning a wedding means less time with your fiancé.  And this time should be spent together, as you start to build a life together.  He asked you to marry him just like you are.

And then there is the issue of being comfortable on the day of your wedding.   Tightly laced corsets and Spanx can make your uncomfortable even after a few minutes.  You’ll be in agony after a whole day.  Don’t you want to be having FUN at your wedding!   High heels – if you don’t wear them regularly – ditch them.

The thing that’s going to make you feel incredible on your wedding day is the glow that comes from the true happiness of marrying the person you love.

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